

Friday Poll: Finger Lickin' - Good?

I have a question.  Do you lick your fingers if you get food on them?  Does it bother you when you see someone lick theirs?  Is it repulsive to you, does it get under your skin, gross you out and drive you crazy?  I have been told I lick my fingers.  And Carson may or may not feel some of those emotions above.  Let's discuss...  

Can you tell I just figured out how to use this function from Photo Booth?


  1. I lick, when I am alone, only when I am alone. I may even lick the damn plate too.

  2. Colleen7:02 AM

    Oh, always licked your fingers. Only now, you're better at it!!

  3. I'm a licker. That sounds dirty (and I like it)!

  4. Lol, you sure know how to work it :)

  5. Everything about this post is dirty. lol! I have comments about the last photo, but I'll keep them to my self. :)
    (also, I lick to)

  6. I lick too. I confess! And when I am licking sometimes I think about how many germs I am likely ingesting. But it doesn't stop me unless I can't remember if I had washed my hands after changing my baby's diaper. :-) That thought usually stops me cold.


I read all of your comments, because I love comments, and I love you.