

Chocolate Chip Scones

I've never been much of a scone lover (though I won't pretend I haven't occasionally devoured a 5,000-calorie Maple Oat Nut Scone from Starbucks).  But a reader friend recently sent me a recipe, and while I didn't have all the ingredients on hand to make the specific one she sent, it stirred my interest.  T'would be quite lovely if I had a go at baking some scones!, I thought to myself in a British accent.  (Am I mistaken, or are you always supposed to speak and think thoughts in a fake British accent when dealing with scones??)  And what DID I have on hand?  Chocolate chips.  Oh yes, those are always on hand.  

I found this recipe, and quite enjoyed the addition of lemon zest it called for.  (Fake British Accent Tip: say "quite" a lot.)  They turned out great.  Perfect for breakfast with tea and crumpets.  What the hell is a crumpet, by the by.

dry ingredients, butter, lemon zest...          

(I didn't have buttermilk and used heavy cream instead...)

scone dough...

pizza pie...

milk and sugar glaze...



  1. Indeed I do speak with accents when thinking. I figured it was just normal. These look good! Never made scones. Quite time indeed to change that!

  2. Yum! I love scones! You can also mix white vinegar and milk together when you don't have buttermilk (I think it's 1 T vinegar to 1 cup of milk).

  3. Hillary - you're my hero.

    Andrea - you're my fake accent hero.

  4. It just so happens I bought buttermilk for another recipe and am stuck with a lot left over so this is perfect timing! I also wanted to mention that you can also mix lemon juice and milk together in place of buttermilk. It has to sit for like 10 minutes and then you're good to go. Hillary is right on about the measurements.

  5. Mmmm you're missing out...crumpets are ah-mah-zing. They are like a chewier, more delicious version of an English muffins. And I'm a Minnesotan, not a Brit :) Trust me!

  6. The scones look delicious.


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