

Ginger Tuna Burgers

Still on a health kick over here. Haven't baked anything in 9 days. Can't really talk about it, WILL start to cry... hold on a second. Ok good, just went to the fridge to make sure the butter is still there. It's there. All 8 sticks of it. I haven't forgotten you friend!!!

Panic attacks involving lard aside, these burgers were delicious. Another new favorite from Gwyneth's cookbook. Ahi Tuna (that I had the fish dude grind for me) mixed with all sorts of bold flavors... wasabi, ginger, garlic, mustard...

...formed into patties and grilled quickly over high heat...

...topped with a sesame "mayo" (I used greek yogurt), crispy shallots and avocado...

...all wrapped up in crunchy lettuce cups. TASTY.


  1. I'm loving the health kick! I'm getting some good ideas for dinners. Thanks!

  2. You guys are so good!! Food is looking fantastic... I have a request since it appears you're on a health/fish food kick... Z'tejas fish tacos? Please pleeeaseee.


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