

Siriously? I'm Serious: Kitchen Boo Boo

Thankfully, I have never had a serious Kitchen Boo Boo (knock on all sorts of wood). Given the amount of time I spend with knives, burners and other hot things and sharp objects, that's a small miracle. But last night, I was trying to open a stubborn piece of tupperware and I hurt my finger. Yes, you read that right, I hurt my finger on tupperware. The plastic stuff. I have no idea how even. All I know is when I woke up this morning, my finger had a pulse. Like in the cartoons, it was throbbing to some obnoxious beat. Should make the manicure I plan on getting today a real joy!

*So for this week's Siriously? I'm Serious, tell me about your worst Kitchen Boo Boo? (My sister should have plenty to share...)

Photo HERE.


  1. 7 stitches on my left forefinger from a bread knife trying to cut a frozen baguette...slipped off the baguette and sliced my finger instead. 5 hours waiting in the E.R. and $400 later I've got a scar to prove it.

  2. I've not done any serious permanent damage to myself, but I've
    cut fingers & hands, grated my skin off, microplaned my fingertips, burned myself more ways and in stranger places than I'd like to admit to. Once I dropped a knife on the floor and it stabbed me in the foot. That was special.

  3. Oh no, that's awful! I've actually never had a serious injury in the kitchen (knock on wood) but I've had a few minor burns and cuts here and there. I hope your hand feels better soon.

    How funny that you were just at Sasabune! We live parallel lives, it seems. We're kind of early birds too, so I think we went at 6pm. It was so good, I definitely want to go back soon. I'll probably see you there next time. ;)

  4. I had one not too long ago.. I was cooking pork chops. I sauted them and put them in the oven. Took them out and then thought to myself, I better move the handle so my daughter doesn't grab it. Well I grabbed it without a potholder. Burned 4 out the 5 fingers on my hand. And I was working at the same time. I still have some nerve damage in one finger from it.

  5. I have a lovely scar on my right hand from a sugar burn while making flan. I haven't made flan since...

  6. I may have posted this on here before but in January I had a pretty scary injury that happened with my hand blender. I was using it to make a sauce and when I lifted it out of the bowl, I noticed a lot of the sauce still up in the blade dome. So I stuck my finger up in there to get some out and accidently turned it on while my finger was right by the blade. I was lucky I didn't lose the whole top of my finger. It was gruesome! And I still don't have feeling at the top of my finger. OUCH.

  7. Oh no! I hope it heels soon. Personally, I'm the queen of burning my fingers. YOu'd think I'd learn by now lol.

  8. Katy, that is horrifying! I will think of you whenever I use my hand blender. I am glad that you still have all of your digits : )

  9. You have a video where you use a hand blender and sing its praises. I threw up a little in my mouth during that video. I hate my hand blender now.

  10. I was like 9. Making rice crispy squares. Promised my mom I could do it. She let me. Somehow hot marshmellow coated my thumb. Too dumb to run it under cold water. Too stubborn to scream. So I silently waited for it to cool. It didnt. It just kept burning.

  11. I just sliced open a few of my fingers on tupperware/plastic just a few weeks ago! No good!


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