

Leftover Turkey Enchiladas

Happy Thanksgiving!  Oh, sorry, what was that?  The holidays are over and you don't want to think about them ever again?  Ok, I get that, makes sense.   It is a new year, after all.  How are we all doing with our resolutions?  (Don't throw things at me for bringing this up.)  So far I'm doing ok... I've flossed my teeth (three times), I've meditated (once) and I drank some tea last night instead of wine!  I'm okay with that progress for Day 10.  Baby steps.  

I brought up Thanksgiving because these yummy enchiladas are made with leftover turkey breast... do you get it now?  But if you don't have any of that succulent white meat in your fridge, you can still make this dinner with shredded chicken.  I followed the recipe pretty closely, only substituting Greek yogurt for sour cream.  It's full of flavor, perfectly spicy and a great way to shake up your Taco Tuesday routine.  (For kids who might not like spice, I would omit the chipotle peppers.)  

Recipe HERE.

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