

Georgia's 'Nola Bars

You guys, I just realized that the last recipe I posted was...yes...a granola bar recipe.  So after careful consideration, I've decided to turn this blog into a granola bar blog.  I'm changing the name to Granolously Delicious.  I will post 365 granola bar creations each year.  All of this is fake news.

Ok but real talk...I don't typically like to post similar recipes back to back (and by that I mean with almost a month in between each), but under these circumstances I have no choice.  What circumstances, you ask?  The ones where my sister Georgia sent me delightful, homemade granola bars in a care package with a recipe attached.  Now, I must share them with you. 

You see, her granola bars, or 'Nola Bars as she refers to them, are sort of famous amongst her friends and our family.  They are downright delicious.  Full of nutritious, wholesome ingredients, easy to make and no baking required.  I highly recommend you try them out!

Next up?  Filet Mignon Granola Bars (no, just no).  

Georgia's 'Nola Bars
Yields: 24

1 cup honey
2 cups nut butter
2 tsp vanilla extract
2 tsp cinnamon
1 tsp salt
2 cups "add-ins" (nuts, mini chocolate chips, dried fruit, etc)
2 1/2-3 cups quick cooking oats

Line 9x13 baking pan with parchment paper.  Combine first 5 ingredients a large bowl.  Stir in "add-ins" until evenly distributed.  Add oats 1/2 cup at a time until mixture is crumbly but still forms ball when pressed together (add more honey if it's too crumbly).  Press mixture firmly into pan and refrigerate for 2 hours before cutting into bars.  

*Georgia recommends keeping them stored in the refrigerator.  

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