

Kale, Quinoa and Chicken Salad

People, it's hot.  Like, real hot.  Like, I thought I'd sit outside for a minute with my computer and let my just-showered-hair (after 3, fine 4 days) dry in the summer breeze until I realized my boobs were already sweating HOT.  When it's this hot, I feel the need to eat really light, probably because my body feels bloated and heavy and I also want nothing to do with the kitchen.  This is, eat lots of vegetables (and sip white wine for lunch?) type of weather.  But I always forget how easy it is to throw a salad together for lunch.  For some reason it doesn't SEEM easy, but with leftovers involved and some minor weekend prep, a week-day salad can be effortless.  See the one I just made below...

Kale, Quinoa and Chicken Salad
Serves 3

1 bag frozen quinoa with vegetables* (or 2 cups cooked quinoa)
3 cups baby kale
1 cup shredded roasted chicken
1 avocado, diced
3 Tbsp pine nuts, toasted
1/3 cup crumbled greek ricotta** (or goat cheese, or feta)
Balsamic glaze
Olive oil
Salt and pepper

Prepare quinoa as instructed on bag (I did this Sunday night and kept it in tupperware).  Assemble rest of ingredients and toss.  Drizzle with balsamic glaze and olive oil, and season to taste with salt and pepper. 

*Found this in the organic section of the freezer.
**Sometimes I get in a feta/goat cheese rut, so I tried this Greek ricotta the other day and I'm OBSESSED!  So creamy.


  1. Excellent blog. I’m glad I discovered it because I love great food and I enjoyed all these great

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  2. Anonymous5:11 PM

    Hi, this looks delish! What kind of Balsamic glaze did you use? Do you reduce the balsamic yourself or buy the glaze ready made? thanks!

  3. This is a must do...

  4. This seems like the perfect work lunch.

    Char Dee

  5. I usually buy a store-bought balsamic glaze!

  6. I can't wait to try this. I have been making different chicken salads with store bought rotisserie chicken this summer to avoid the heat in the kitchen--this looks perfect. Thanks for sharing!


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