

Southern Caramel Cake

Good evening!!  Coming at you strong from the epicenter of BLIZZARD TWENTY FIFTEEN!  I like to shout that as I type like a super cheesy meteorologist.  It's been a long time since I've experienced a winter storm, but having grown up in Minnesota it's definitely not a foreign thing to me.  However, it IS the first time I've dealt with a blizzard as a grown up person, with actual responsibilities like filling up my gas tank (took 30 minutes), stocking up on essentials at the market (milk, bread, vodka...), and having children who are home from school with nothing to do!  They say the worst of it has yet to hit, so I'll keep you posted tomorrow with updates from the epicenter of BLIZZARD TWENTY FIFTEEN!  DUH DUH DUNNNN....

For now, I'd like to share with you the most wonderful dessert I made this past weekend.  A deliciously moist yellow cake with a thick, creamy, buttery caramel icing.  It wasn't my prettiest layered creation to date, as I ran out of frosting to cover the entire thing, but after taking one bite I threw any aesthetic desire out the window.  Breaking news: NO ONE CARES WHEN SOMETHING TASTES GOOD.  And this is waaaaay more than just good.      

Recipe for cake and frosting here.    


  1. Ok, I wish I saw this earlier when I was at the store getting our essentials for snowmageddon. Because this would count as essentials, of course. It would have been a good "project" for tomorrow. But I still need to get a third cake pan anyway so once this "epic storm" is finished, I'll have to remedy that.

  2. Well I might be baking cake !!! Have fun in the snow tomorrow!!! Hopefully blizzard 2015 is kind to you! ❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️ Make snow memories!!!

  3. I made this for the Super Bowl and dang! It was amazing! Even better the next day!


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