

Root Vegetable Mash

Hello friends!  How is everyone doing on this back-to-reality Monday?  I'm feeling a little full, and a little stressed that it's December 1st and there are THREE MORE WEEKS UNTIL CHRISTMAS.  I plan on spending most of this cyber day one-clicking presents and typing in promotional codes, and maybe by nightfall (who says that) I'll feel better.  

The truth is, we've been away from home for awhile and I always feel a slight lack of control when I'm not in my regular surroundings.  For instance, I've cooked 3 things in the last 10 days and that all fell on Thanksgiving (hence, the lack of blogging).  I was in charge of vegetable sides this year, and this Root Vegetable Mash that I made up was by far my favorite.  Yams, turnips, cauliflower and pears... mashed together with horseradish and cream.  It might sound like an interesting combination, but everything worked perfectly together.  It tasted light and fluffy and earthy, and the slight sweetness from the pear counterbalanced the bite from the horseradish.  The perfect alternative to typical mashed potatoes, and a great side to make all winter long.

(It also works well on a sandwich with leftover turkey, leftover brussel sprouts and cheese...)     

Root Vegetable Mash
(Serves 10)

5 yams, peeled and roughly chopped
2 parsnips, peeled and roughly chopped
1 head cauliflower, florets roughly chopped
2 pears, peeled and roughly chopped
3 T prepared horseradish (more or less depending on preference)
3 T half and half (more or less depending on consistency)
Salt and pepper to taste

Place yams, parsnips, cauliflower and pears in a large pot.  Pour in water until everything is covered.  Add a generous amount of salt, and bring to a boil.  Once boiling, turn heat down and simmer for 20-30 minutes, until everything is fork tender.  Drain and place back in pot.  Add cream and horseradish, and using an immersion blender (or hand-held mixer), puree until you reach desired consistency.  Season with salt and pepper to taste.  

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous3:30 PM

    Looks delicious - I love surprising complex flavors like these. Miss your posts when you are away - travel safely.


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