

Short Rib Chili + Creamy Polenta

If I'm ever in the mood to order something rich and decadent at a restaurant, it's short ribs.  Usually accompanied by pasta, mashed potatoes or risotto.  You know, the type of meal that sticks to your bones.  I would have done really well as a king in the olden days when gluttony was a sign of success and people walked around with turkey drumsticks hanging out of their mouthes.  (That happened, right?)  This chili is definitely THAT kind of comfort food.  Pull-apart short ribs slowly cooked in a decadent sauce served on top of creamy polenta!  It was intense, but perfect for a winter weekend.  I ended up adding a 28 oz. jar of crushed tomatoes to the pot, and cut down slightly on the chilies for spice reasons.  I think my favorite part of this recipe was learning to make polenta after all of these years!  For some reason it had intimidated me in the past (anything that requires constant stirring is bananas), but it was extremely easy and I will definitely make it more often. 

Recipe here.  

These pictures are blurry, sorry about that.  I definitely had a week where having 3 kids caught up with me.  Almost every day I had a moment in which I thought, oh my god I have 3 kids!  But if I find the time today, I'm going to attempt something ridiculous.  Tune in next week to find out what!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. This looks delicious! I've never made anything with polenta, but this post makes me want to try. I'm your new follower, looking forward to reading more from you =) Have a great weekend!

  3. This looks DIVINE!! Loving your recipe sharing! Thanks!

  4. Oooh...more short ribs!!!! Thanks!


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