

Baked Sweet Potato Skins

I looooove baked potatoes.  As a teenager, I would go to that fast food potato joint in the mall food court and order a bacon, cheese and broccoli potato that probably had 5,000 calories in it, and I would eat the entire thing.  Potato skins?  A bar food staple during my college career.  And I've craved the starchy crop during every, single pregnancy.  So when I saw this recipe for Loaded Sweet Potato Skins - a slightly healthier version of one of my favorite foods - I was so excited to try it!  The recipe promised it would yield a crispy skin, which I was skeptical of, but it delivered!  So many exclamation marks!  By baking the potato, removing the insides and then re-baking the skins (that are drizzled in olive oil), you are left with a crispy shell just begging to be stuffed.  I topped mine with a dollop of greek yogurt, crumbly bacon and chopped chives.  Going to make these all winter long, people, oh yes I will.  And what a perfect appetizer for Turkey Day!  More exclamations!    


  1. I could eat sweet potatoes every day, so I can't wait to try them this way!

  2. Oooh! Excellent idea! I will make these for sure!

  3. Anonymous9:17 AM

    yum - sweet potatoes and chopped olives!


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