

Pasta Primavera with Roasted Veggies

Well, I've survived the first week as a mother of three, and I only called my newborn daughter by her sister's name 17 times (poor third baby, I'm turning into my father).  Of course, it's easy to survive when you've been spoiled by grandma love... both my mom and Carson's spent most of August with us.  They cooked, cleaned, ran errands, swam with kids, spoiled kids, spoiled me... and it's all coming to an end!  No!  My mom leaves Saturday (tear), which means no more lovely meals like this healthy, hearty pasta dish.  I've been eating leftovers of this recipe for days with zero guilt... roasted veggies and fresh linguine.  It's superb.  Superb like grandma love.  Don't leave!  

Happy Labor Day Weekend one and all.


  1. I made this the other night and it was delicious! But we're still eating leftovers. Need to half it next time.

  2. This looks sooo good!

    Sorry your grandma love is leaving!


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