

Mint Chip Pudding Pops

A couple of days ago, I was all set to make fancy pudding pops that required corn starch and egg yolks and sugar and yadda yadda, and then I remembered how pregnant I was and decided to take the easy route.  (By the way, I promise I'll stop talking about how pregnant I am ONCE THIS BABY DECIDES TO VACATE THE PREMISES... I was due yesterday after all.  No big deal.)  I remembered I had a package of vanilla pudding in the pantry, and a little "EASY!" light bulb went off in my head.  You know, like the obnoxious "that was easy" Staples button.  Jack's favorite ice cream flavor is Mint Chip, so we decided to try out Mint Chip Pudding Pops.  They were awesome, and easy.  
That's all I can handle in my life right now...  

Mint Chip Pudding Pops
(Makes 8, depending on size of mold)

1 pkg. instant vanilla pudding
3/4 tsp peppermint extract
1/2 cup mini chocolate chips
Few drops of green food coloring (optional)

Prepare pudding as directed on package.  Stir in peppermint extract, chocolate chips and food coloring, if using.  Place in popsicle molds and freeze. 


  1. Those are green! Thinking of you and hoping you have that beautiful baby soon! Best of luck!

  2. These are in the freezer right now! Thanks!


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