

Pizza Dough turned into Ciabatta Bread

I love making homemade bread (oh my, remember this), and even my own pizza dough (seen here), but let's face it - with two small kids, a third on the way, and the desire to shower OCCASIONALLY, I don't always have the time.  One of my favorite short cuts is to ask my local pizzeria to sell me some pizza dough.  They will!  And now that I live in New York, I can say things like "my local pizzeria" and sound more legit.  So here's an easy way to turn store-bought pizza dough into something that resembles ciabatta bread:

Preheat oven to 425.  Divide dough into thirds.  Shape with lightly oiled hands into 4-inch rounds, roughly 1/2 inch in thickness.  Place on lightly oiled, parchment-lined baking sheets.  Poke all over with a fork.  Sprinkle with Italian seasoning, coarse sea salt and a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil.  Bake for 10-15 minutes, keeping an eye on the bread, until it's nice and golden on top.         

This are delicious solo, or sliced in half and used as a vessel for this.


  1. OMG! This is fab! I am definitely going to try this, Siri. Do you think it'd also be okay using Trader Joe's pizza dough or should I go to a pizzeria? My local Italian deli, Lucci's, sells fresh made dough, too.

  2. I'm sure TJ's dough would work fine!

  3. We have a pizzeria here in Tampa that (no joke) imports NY tap water so their dough comes out tasting legit (it is literally the closest to NY pizza we've had in FL since leaving NY) BUT THEY WILL NOT/ABSOLUTELY REFUSE TO SELL THEIR DOUGH :( I am going to try with grocery store dough :(


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