

Diet Coke Chocolate Chunk Cookies

It's possible I've lost my mind.  Not only did I put Diet Coke in cookie dough (why yes, yes I did), but the sheer amount of time I spent googling "unique cookies" the other day should be criminal.  I was desperate to find something that sparked my interest, something different.  Why?  What's wrong with me?  Can I not rest until I've attempted seventy eleventy (made up number) thousand different chocolate chip cookie recipes?  The answer is yes, I cannot rest, so please send me any and all bizarre ideas.  Like this recipe - chocolate chip cookies with a tablespoon of soda in them.

My son giggled the entire time we made these together, happily taking a few sips from the soda and wondering if the end result would taste "bubbly."  Well they don't taste like cola, but there is something different about them.  There's almost a bread-like flavor to the cookie - scientists, help me out?  Is that the carbonation?  Like using club soda or beer to make soda bread?  Do scientists read my blog?  I'm dumb.  I have 9-month preggo brain.  I drove my son to the completely wrong place for his first day of lacrosse camp yesterday because I read an email wrong.  

The cookies aren't bad, but they aren't my favorite.  I think the recipe is missing salt.  My son, on the other hand, thought they were AWESOME.  And honestly, what can be so bad about a "bready" cookie with chunks of chocolate in it?  Not a whole lot.  I'm just picky, because I've eaten seventy eleventy thousand cookies in my life.       


  1. Anonymous6:12 AM

    The kids will love these cookies and as an added bonus they have poop in the name.

  2. Anonymous9:17 PM

    Diet coke is so bad for you. The fake sugar is not healthy. Love choc chip though!!

  3. Have you ever tried these babies!!


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