

Crispy Capers

I am a big fan of texture when it comes to salads or pasta - a little extra crunch can transform a dish.  I'm also a big fan of salt, so it's no wonder that I love these Crispy Capers.  They're also the easiest thing in the world to make.  Oh, except for I burnt the first batch and nearly set off the smoke detector.  But the second batch was the easiest thing in the world to make!  A couple tablespoons of canola oil, a bottle of drained and dried capers, a few minutes over medium-high heat... done.  Let them dry on some paper towel and they're ready to sprinkle over pasta or salad.  Or you can just snack on them, like I do, with everything in life. 

They are also delicious over roasted cauliflower...


  1. Oooh how splendid! I'm going to have to try these, I love capers!

  2. Anonymous11:41 PM

    swoon - looks amazing!!

  3. Oh, yum! That's such a good idea! Thanks!

  4. Clarice2:12 PM

    your roasted cauliflower looks incred.


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