

Craving Cocktails...

Yup.  Need I say more?

Officially 9 months pregnant and day dreaming this morning.  Is it too early to day dream about this kind of stuff?  I don't care.  Listen, I don't completely deprive myself during pregnancy and enjoy the occasional glass of wine with dinner (or Guinness beer, mmm), but what I really want right now is to sit in this hot, humid heat and sip a crisp, cold cocktail (alliteration at its finest).  
These are the 5 I'm craving the most: 

What cocktail (or food) did you miss the most during pregnancy?


  1. I actually craved stinky cheese the most. I hated the threat of not being allowed to eat it but then I realized that most of it is pasteurized so I went ahead and ate it. And I loved every bite.

  2. I'm like you and didn't really deprive myself of anything during pregnancy. But for some reason I did see a difference in having a glass of wine and having a vodka cocktail. Probably no difference to my body or baby...all in my head! I'm sure a bloody mary has to be good for a baby right? Tomatoes, hello!

  3. Oh man, I'm only like 4 months and I want a Bloody Mary so bad! I guess I'll just chug my V8 juice.

  4. Gianna11:31 AM

    PREGGATINIS is the most amazing mocktail recipe book ever. Saved me!!!

  5. I missed and craved SUSHI like crazy. I didn't want to eat the non-raw stuff either because they roll it on the same surface as the raw options and I was paranoid. Ok now I need to go get some sushi...

  6. Lisa M12:57 PM

    TEQUILA - that's all I want. My family is a Tequila family and we live and die by a cocktail we call "The Classic". Take lime wedges - Crush - Muddle - Pulverize them in the bottom of a picture. Add a bottle of great tequila - any you love. I enjoy 1800 or Patron. and then chill in fridge until you are ready to serve. Fill your glass with ice - fill some of the tequila mixture then top it off with ice cold Seltzer water. Add a slice of lime - It is the most refreshing and delicious drink ever! SO EASY - I am 30 weeks and I literally find myself dreaming of tequila.


I read all of your comments, because I love comments, and I love you.