

Homemade Corn Tortillas

Last weekend, we had a family dinner for my mom's birthday, which also falls on Cinco de Mayo.  Most always, we celebrate with a Mexican meal, because we all happen to love that cuisine very much.  This year my bro was in charge, and we had steak and shrimp tacos marinated in a pureed combo of ancho chile, onion, garlic, cilantro, lime and oil - YUM.  He also made homemade corn tortillas.  I usually prefer flour, probably because those tortillas are usually bigger and I have an eating problem, but these corn ones were wonderful.  He used this Rick Bayless recipe, requiring only one ingredient: Masa Harina (can be found at Whole Foods).  How simple is that?!  At least, it looked simple, I just watched because I'm pregnant and lazy.  But my 5-year old loved helping!  

Tortilla Press purchased here.


  1. Anonymous7:26 AM

    This is so great - a big downfall of being in NY is the lack of Mexican culture and food which is surprising and tragic. So glad your blog will keep that food alive out here!

  2. So easy!!! I've made the homemade flour tortillas before, but never corn. Now I can !!! Thanks and have a great weekend!

  3. They look so easy to make

  4. Ditto on how easy these are to make. Who knew? I need to try them. Thanks!


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