

Cream Cheese Chocolate Chunk Cookies

I joined a book club!  I'm making friends in my new town!  Moving to a place where you know NO ONE and trying to meet people as an adult feels a lot like dating all over again.  You have to take chances, and actually put yourself out there, which can be terrifying.  But when a lovely reader contacted me, saying she too moved to this town a few years ago knowing not a soul, and suggested I join a mothers group/book club I thought, why not?  Put yourself out there, Siri, do things your mom would tell you to do.  And so I did, and I met some wonderful people and I read a wonderful book.  I deserve a cookie, don't you think?  I'm glad you think so, because I have some leftover from book club last night...

Yes, I know, another chocolate chip cookie.  But this one has cream cheese in it!!!  How do you see a recipe for a cookie with cream cheese in it and NOT give it a go?  Well I gave them a go, and they are rich, and moist, and I have a feeling they will stay that way for days.  I'm going to eat one for breakfast, because, cream cheese.  Right?  Totally breakfast food.  Find the recipe here.


  1. You do deserve a cookie...and those look delish! Readers are Leaders! We'll come visit real soon xoxo

  2. Lisa M.6:20 AM

    i say there are never too many chocolate chip cookie recipes.

  3. Mmm that looks delicious! Totally jealous of your book club.

  4. yummy.... I just made a skillet cookie!!!

  5. Julie Hunt12:22 PM

    Your mother is a very WISE woman! ;-)

  6. Declar6:09 AM


    hello from the France.
    Very nice website and recipe.

    I present to you this french photo sites*

    Very soon. A bientôt.


    *voir conditions

  7. Chocolate chip cookies with cream cheese? Yummi! thanks a lot for sharing the recipe :) and good luck in your new town, I hope you make many friends!!

  8. Me Before You is a great book. I hope they make it into a movie!

  9. Anonymous5:37 PM

    Hi Siri, you can never have too many choc chip cookie recipes and these look beyond! I just took the cream cheese out of the fridge to soften... woo hoo! Love your blog, Im new to it and it's delightful. Everything you make looks yummy. Thank you for sharing all the great recipes.


  10. I was in a book club and it was so fun, sitting around drinking wine and eating cheese and discussing books. Sometimes the books are terrible, and some are fantastic. My book club typically takes a poll on the next book to choose. It's a great excuse for the women to get together, too often than not women are so involved in their children and families they don't take a lot of time for just themselves and their girlfriends.


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