

Quadruple Chocolate Soft Fudgy Pudding Cookies

I know, enough with the chocolate cookies.  
WHAT?  What did you say??  NEVER!  NEVER ENOUGH!
Sorry it appears I'm talking to myself again about food.  But it also appears that I cannot find a chocolate cookie recipe that I will not try.  Come back tomorrow and you'll see why.

A friend sent me this recipe, and the title alone made me swoon (cookies can do that to a person).  They are exactly what they say they are: rich in chocolate, extremely soft, fudgy like the best brownie you've ever had, pudding cookies.  I had to make them as fast as I could so that I wouldn't eat ALL of the dough.  Just look at that dough!  They were fantastic.  Recipe here.

*And as proof that I don't sit at home eating ALL of the cookies (although I ate more than usual of these), SEEEEEE, they made their way to work with Carson...


  1. Is that how you two stay so thin but still have a passion for baking? Give everything away? I want to give them away but also want them around for my kids lunches. Problem: if they are here...I will eat!!! And how many is acceptable to eat before you give them away? Heehee!

  2. Stop your killing me.... Lol not really!

  3. averie’s stuff is so great!


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