

Cheddar Topped Shepherd's Pie

Did you celebrate St. Patrick's Day yesterday?  I like any excuse to drink Guinness and wear my favorite color.  But best of all, I am a huge fan of hearty Irish cuisine, like Corned Beef & Cabbage or Shepherd's Pie.  Is Shepherd's Pie actually Irish or British?  No matter, wherever it officially derives from, it's bloody delicious (see what I did there?).  My 5-year-old wouldn't go near it with a 10-foot pole, but he also doesn't like green beer so his taste buds don't matter.   

After a lot of digging around online, I found this recipe that sounded the best to me, although I did still adapt it slightly.  My alterations: the recipe called for 2 pounds of ground beef but I substituted half of that with ground lamb, when the recipe called for 1 cup of water, I used Guinness instead (isn't that Irish for "water" anyway?), I threw in about 1/2 cup of frozen peas to the meat mixture at the very end, as well as some ground nutmeg and Worcestershire Sauce and I generously seasoned everything as I went with salt and pepper.  

This was comfort food at it's best and I can't wait to eat leftovers.  A perfect meal for the remainder of this very looooooooong winter (as in, eat it every night until bikini season seems near).   

Doesn't the Irish flag look something like this?


  1. I was going to make shepherds pie yesterday, but then ended up making that other traditional Irish meal: waffles. What? We're going away for 2 weeks tomorrow and that's all I could come up with. I look forward to trying this when we get back! Thanks!

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  3. When you are in New York try the Shephards Pie at Friend of a Farmer in Gramercy Park! I grew up on long island in NY and we always ate at the original location in Roslyn but its not there anymore and I would ONLY order Shephards pie bc it was so good…

    its still on their menu ;)

  4. I seriously want to try this! Thanks so much for posting.


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