

Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Truffles

What is wrong with me.  Why do I do this to myself.  Didn't I learn in elementary school to use question marks when asking questions.  I'm too lazy to use proper grammar, because I have too much cookie dough swimming around in my brain.  I blame sick kids, and rain, and stir craziness, and lack of eggs.  It was really that last part that reminded me of this Eggless Cookie Dough (also remember these lollipops?).  It's the PERFECT thing to make when you have a cookie craving and no eggs in your fridge.  Yesterday, I added 1/2 cup of creamy peanut butter to the butter/sugar mixture.  I also melted half of them in a chocolaty peanut butter (1 cup chocolate chips, 1/4 cup creamy peanut butter).  And now I have about a thousand of each in my freezer.  Good thing it's Valentine's Day next week, so I can hand these out to anyone I even remotely like.  Guess what?!  I remotely like you.  What's your address? 


  1. Anonymous10:48 AM

    I so wish you would send me a box of those...they look amazing!!
    --jill c. from ohio

  2. WHY are you doing this to me?


  3. These look amazing, amazingly delicious, wait what...
    You know my address....😍

  4. Jennifer Benak7:40 PM

    I will make or eat anything cookie dough related. Yummm...

  5. Cynthia Revis9:19 PM

    I would totally send you my address for something that yummy looking! I enjoy your blog and love reading your recipes! Have a great weekend.

  6. aawwwwww, must be delicious! I would die for both chocolate and peanut butter....and for cookie dough! MUST try these! But I`m not too jealous of the content of your fridge, because I`m going to make a peanut butter cake with chocolate frosting today. Yummy!

  7. OMG these look so good! Reminds me I was working on making some truffles of my own... Cross your fingers they turn out half as good as these lol

  8. What a great gift to give to my girlfriends!!! You rock Sweet Bella!!! Sending lots of love vibes your way...stop by and enter my Valentine's giveaway!

  9. What a great gift to give to my girlfriends!!! You rock Sweet Bella!!! Sending lots of love vibes your way...stop by and enter my Valentine's giveaway!


I read all of your comments, because I love comments, and I love you.