

Polar Vortex Cookies

Well, hello there Blog.  Are you mad that I've been neglecting you?  The problem, you see, is that I have been traveling since December 21st, much of this time being spent in hotels, thus, not cooking.  I used a lot of commas in that sentence.  But for the past week we have been lucky enough to stay in a friend's NYC apartment, therefore, a small amount of cooking/baking has been taking place.  Like today, for instance, Jack and I ventured out in the frigid 5 degree weather (I know, Minnesota, I know) to gather cookie supplies.  We made a basic recipe, but a fun way to liven up any cookie is to use sprinkles instead of chocolate chips.  A whole lot of them.  Just make sure to let your 16 month-old eat a few, because the tantrum she will throw when she can't have any more will be epic.  EPIC.

Ahhhhhhh cabin fevvvvvverrrrrrrrrrr Polarrrrrrrr Vortexxxxxx.


  1. We've had -40 to -50 below zero wind chill temps the past 2 days. My oldest two kids were supposed to go back to school Monday, but they canceled the past 2 days because of the cold. We're going a bit stir crazy. Maybe a little cookie baking will hold us over until tomorrow. High of 10. Woot, heat wave!

  2. Heat wave.
    I am in the area where we have had a lot of snow and then the cold -30 to -50 wind chill.
    Today I made three batches of eggnog bread with the bit of eggnog we had left.
    Will freeze these and then mail them off to people later this month.

  3. Count down to sandals & sunshine ...

  4. P. S. Those cookies look fat & delicious!!!

  5. Jennifer Benak5:32 AM

    I am also in that cold region with my kids having a two day extended winter break. With four kids at home, cabin fever would be an understatement! I did manage to occupy them, but cookie making would have been a great idea, even if my husband and I can't eat them because we are doing the Daniel fast with our church for 21 days. No bread, meat, sweets, and only water to drink. I'm going crazy over here! Must. Eat. Bread.

  6. Those cookies look amazing!


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