

Broccoli Pesto

Discovering creative ways to sneak green veggies into my son's diet is one of my favorite things, right up there with organizing things and eating handfuls of chocolate chips while no one is looking.  With that in mind, I was recently inspired by this post, but I wanted something without heavy cream so I stuck to a more classic version of pesto: garlic, pine nuts, parmesan and olive oil.  Plus something green, and in this case broccoli!  As long as I don't call it "broccoli pasta," he will eat it.  So I call it green pasta.  Because green is a super cool color.  There is a green Power Ranger, and a green Hulk, and he goes to school in the Green Room.  Go Green!        

We adults thought this was delicious too.  Here's what I did...

I threw 2 cups of broccoli florets in a pot with about 1/4 cup of water over medium-high heat.  I covered it, and let it cook/steam for about 5 minutes, until the broccoli was tender.  I threw it in a blender with 1/4 cup of toasted pine nuts, one clove of garlic (roughly chopped), and 1/3 cup of Parmesan.  I didn't drain the broccoli before placing in blender, because the excess water helped get things going.  Then I slowly drizzled in a couple of tablespoons of olive oil, until it reached my desired consistency.  I tasted, and seasoned with salt and pepper.  

I served it over mini ravioli, because children (and myself) like things that are mini.


  1. mmm this looks good! i saw the SK post and also wanted a non-cream based pesto, so i'm so glad you made one! will definitely try this version!

  2. Anonymous3:40 PM

    Looks really good. I'm going to try it.

  3. Ashley P7:32 AM

    I made this last night for my boyfriend with cavatelli instead of ravioli. OMG knock out! Needless to say my boyfriend will be expecting a lot more dinners from me!

  4. This is genius. Broccoli is one of the only vegetables both of my children ask for seconds of. I am sick of steamed, butter broccoli as a side. But I do enjoy pasta. This is going on this week's menu! Thanks!


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