

The Baker Chick Guest Post ~ Homemade Vanilla Wafers

by Audra at The Baker Chick...

Hello!  I am so excited to be guest posting on Siriously Delicious today.  I'm Audra- and I blog about lots of baked goods over at The Baker Chick.  I've loved Siri's blog for awhile, and am so happy to be lending a hand while she's spending some quality time with her new babe.

I know that Siri likes to make DIY versions of popular store-bought snacks (goldfish, wheat thins), so I thought homemade 'Nilla Wafers would be right up her alley.  This recipe is easy as can be, and produces a simple vanilla cookie that is loads better than the boxed version.  

I made these to be a layer in a banana pudding recipe I'm posting later this week, but I think they would be delicious in so many things - ice cream toppings, trifles, or maybe just a simple not-too-sweet snack.  

Thanks for having me Siri!  Enjoy your baby snuggles!

Homemade Vanilla Wafers
Yield: 4 dozen cookies
Adapted from: Fix me a Snack

5 tablespoons butter, softened
1 cup sugar
1 large egg
2 teaspoons pure vanilla extract
1/4 cup milk (or half and half)
2 cups all-purpose flour
2 teaspoons baking powder
1/4 teaspoon salt

Preheat oven to 350 degrees F.  

Cream the butter and sugar together in a large mixing bowl.  Add the egg, vanilla, and milk and mix well. Sift in the flour, baking powder and salt.  Stir well.

Either scoop the dough into a large piping bag (or just a ziplock bag) and squeeze out rounds of dough. OR- just use a small scoop to portion 1inch rounds on a cookie sheet.  Use your fingers to flatten slightly.

Bake for 12-15 minutes until the bottoms begin to turn golden brown.  Transfer cookies to a wire rack to cool.  Serve or store in an airtight container.

*Be sure to check out The Baker Chick later this week for Audra's Banana Pudding Recipe* 


  1. Thanks for having me Siri!! xo

  2. Yum!! Audra thanks for this post - I've been trying to make vanilla wafers (unsuccessfully) until now. Can't wait to give these a spin!

  3. Great post, Audra - fun to see you over here!

  4. Nilla Wafers are my all time favorite snack from my childhood! Smuggled a bunch of vanilla from the US during my last trip. I think I HAVE to give these a try with my girls tomorrow!!! Thanks!

  5. Yummy post, I must try these soon...thanks Audra

  6. Hi Siri! Popping over from Audra's site.

    These look fantastic. As a Brit, we define the word 'wafers' differently. I can't even begin to describe what our wafers are. Either way these look delicious and I'll definitely have to give them a whirl.

    Sweet 2 Eat Baking


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