

Homemade Strawberry Fruit Leather

Can I whine?  Ok, I'm going to, my blog, thanks.

I had a post ready to go yesterday - a slow cooked shredded pork for Taco Tuesday - went to get my computer and found it SWIMMING in a puddle of water.  Yes, 3-year-old, accidents happen, it's okay, giant fake smile on my face.  My computer won't turn on.  Was it backed up?  I don't know.  Will I lose all the recent photos of my daughter's birth?  Quite possibly.  CRISSCROSS APPLESAUCE!  (That's what my son's preschool teachers say when they're upset, which is much more pleasant than the words floating around my brain.)

Also there has been a confirmed case of lice at my son's school.  I know, I know, you have 3 kids and you get these emails all the time and I should not panic.  But I'm panicking.  Help.  How do I prevent him from getting it?  Send him to school in a swim cap, a friend suggested.  A Spiderman mask?  CRISSCROSS APPLEBUTTHEAD!  (I'd make a great teacher.)     

Fruit leather...

Now that my son attends school everyday in lice-land, I've been obsessing over the site Weelicious.  Catherine offers an infinite amount of healthy and creative lunch ideas.  I will admit, I'm slightly overwhelmed trying to find the time to make most of them with two kids, but this fruit leather was absurdly easy.  Puree some strawberries with honey and bake.  Done.  Recipe here.  
Thank you Catherine!  

Check out that cute head.  See any lice????


  1. Oh no! So sorry about your computer. I hope everything isn't lost.

    Thanks for sharing the fruit leather recipe! I can't hear the word "leather" without thinking of the SNL skit when Jimmy Fallon worked in a leather shop. I can't just say leather either, I have to let it roll of my tongue ala` freaky leather-guy Jimmy Fallon.

    Have a great day! :]

  2. Anonymous1:32 PM

    Add a little tea tree oil to his shampoo.... Apparently the little monsters are offended by the smell!

  3. Whoa, I guess I got out of Dodge in the nick of time :) So did Jack LIKE the fruit leather?

  4. Siri.... This is really gross, but I got lice in 4th grade. It still haunts me to this day. In fact, I scratched my head 10 times just reading this post. :)

    I hope the problem gets resolved. In the meantime, I hope your little man enjoys the fruit leather.

    Also, if you ever are interested in a blog-redesign, I'd love to help you out.

  5. I HATE LICE !! Been there done that.... No fun. I just had to itch my head too.... I'd try the tea tree oil.

  6. I hope everything can be saved on your computer.

  7. i work in a preschool classroom and i wash my hair with Tea Tree Oil Shampoo and Conditioner (Paul Mitchell makes one) to avoid the lice.

    good luck.

  8. Anonymous12:42 PM

    I'm all itchy just thinking about it. When those letters used to come home for my kids, I'd be a nutjob, inspecting their heads forty times a day. Checking hats, clothes, checking my own hair. Shudder. Our son kept a super buzzed haircut until about 5th grade. I don't know if it helped, but he never did get any! My daughter on the other hand..ugh! Long long beautiful brown hair. It took HOURS to comb through it after the treatment. I just wanted to fumigate the house and move. Leave it all behind. Car and all. LOL! Crossing my fingers he's in the clear!

    SO sorry about your computer. If the hard drive is okay, you can DEFINITELY salvage the photos and all other documents, etc! Super easy! I can disassemble pcs and laptops in my sleep. Just sayin'!

  9. Anonymous3:21 PM

    Lice = GROSS. I remember going thru that experience as a kid. Twice. My mom actually kept us home the second time it happenend. Just requested all our work for two weeks and we did lessons at home.

    Of course that was like 9 mill;ion years ago, right after the earth cooled. Not sure that kind of anarchy would fly today.

    And just one more reason why I am thrilled to not have kids. No kids, no lice. Bummer about the computer.

  10. Lice? Did somebody ask about lice?

  11. Anonymous2:10 AM

    Hi fun blog ! I am a. Primary school teacher in Sydney I can tell you headline are really common here. To remove the lice use a treatment and then use a product that loosens the glue on eggs. You can purchase this product in the same area as the lice treatments. Using a round toothed metal lice comb gat combing with product. Then repeat in about a week. If the eggs are along the hair shaft and not on the base of the hair your child will ave had them for a while the lice only lay eggs near the scalp. Good luck.keeping a watch out is the best deterrent.

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