

What are your food lows?

I emotionally ate this weekend.  
It was a combination of stress (sick kid going on day 3) and exhaustion (hitting the 7-month-pregnant "I can't sleep" phase) that led me to baking a batch of brownies from a box just minutes before I had planned to go to sleep Friday night.  Instead, I found myself sitting in bed with a brownie and a glass of milk.  Specifically, the very center square of the brownie as seen above.  That was the ONLY piece I wanted.  There really is NO stopping a pregnant lady when she knows what she wants to eat, is there?  
This morning's breakfast...  

This afternoon I finally threw the rest of the batch away.  

(And then I made Rice Krispie Treats.) 

Sharing is caring - any food lows you feel like letting me know about?   


  1. Anonymous4:40 PM

    Always homemade Mac n Cheese. AND I love your blog!

  2. i have been known to just eat a whole tub of cool whip, alone and unadorned. definite food low! your food low looks delicious, though. and i might be about to go to the store to get brownie mix....


  3. My daughter is graduating from high school tomorrow. A friend made cake pops in Charger purple. I was very careful to hide them from our boys. I had to stay home to take an on-line class, but the rest of the family went out to eat. During a break in the class I decided to try one because I had never eaten a cake pop before. I tried one, but it was so delicious that I went back to get another. I actually had three. I admit that I am a bad, bad mommy. Plus, I do not have the excuse of being pregnant.

  4. Well Cape Cod Potato Chips discontinued my food low. I'm still upset about it. I ate 20 bags of the jalapeno and cheddar potato chips in a one month period. Completely by myself. It was awful yet so delicious.

    I have been known to do the complete opposite of you and eat the edges of the brownie.

  5. I'm within driving distance and willing to take your leftovers.

    Mull it over.

  6. I've eaten Nutella straight out of the jar and twice last week - a fat wedge of angel food cake that I gleefully squirted whipped cream all over. Worse yet, I totally let the guilt get to me. ;)

  7. you know the delicious fancy salamis wrapped in that paper and not pre-sliced or anything? i bit a chunk out of one. i like salami that much. then i had to slice it to even out the missing chunk so no one would know that i was that uncivilized.

  8. I hear you Siri... my list is way too long but it definitely includes tater tots, nutella, cookie dough and mash potatoes. If you could work on a recipe that combines all of those things I would appreciate it ;)

    Hang in there, we're on the home stretch!

  9. I've realized that if I make a batch of cookies or brownies or a whole cake, I'll end up eating most of it by myself so I decided to stop so I wouldn't put on 80 lbs. this pregnancy.

    Then, on Saturday, I looked at my grocery shopping cart that contained 2 slices of carrot cake, half of a cherry pie, 2 Kit-Kats and a box of popsicles and laughed because this was no better! Oh well.

  10. Yesterday I made beef curry and a batch of your chocolate chocolate chip pudding cookies. Guess which one I had for dinner? Food low.

  11. The chocolate chocolate chip pudding cookies got the better of me, but luckily I had sent the majority of them to the teachers at my son's school. However, I can't say the same about the bowl of ambrosia salad I've nearly polished off in the last 16 hours. With a spoon. Straight out of the serving bowl. Good thing I halved the recipe.

  12. Siri!! New follower :) I LOVE your blog. This post made me laugh. My food low is the opposite of yours...we had some amazing hot brownies cooling on the stove and I totally went and cut off all the edges for ME. Because seriously, brownie edges are THE BEST!


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