

Hamburger into Meatballs (and a giveaway!)

Confession: I don't know how to turn on a grill.  I should probably figure that out someday.  And also the difference between a Phillips and Flathead screwdriver.  Someday.  For now, I'm lucky to have Carson who rolls his eyes as he hands me the correct tool and absolutely knows how to turn on the grill.  In fact, his grilled salmon and hamburgers are two of my favorite things to eat, in this world.  We had hamburgers on Saturday night and leftover ground meat on Sunday, so he decided to turn them into grilled meatballs.  Genius.  Here are his tips on how to convert the two dishes...

I make my hamburgers relatively simple - worscestershire sauce, a teaspoon of liquid smoke, salt and pepper - so it's not complicated to turn that into something else.  For the meatballs, I added one large egg, panko, olive oil, italian seasoning, a hint of nutmeg and grated Parmesan and Romano cheese.  Jack and I rolled them into ping pong-sized balls, and I grilled them over very high heat on a cast iron skillet (with a little olive oil), constantly moving them to char on all sides (about 5 minutes total).    

So, to celebrate all the dads out there and their grilling and tool recognizing skills (is that sexist?) I'm giving away a $25 e-gift certificate at Williams-Sonoma, and if you win you can run out on Saturday to buy this or this or this for the papa in your life.  Just leave a comment below to win and good luck! 

Giveaway Rules:
1. You must be an official follower of this blog to win.
2. Follow me on Twitter for an extra entry (comment below twice if you do).
3. Only open to residents of U.S. and Canada.
4. Winner will be chosen at random on Friday, June 15th, at 8am PST.   

(first image is an etsy card, check it out!)


  1. Mary B.7:42 AM

    Yes! oops, how did that compost cookie box get in my e-cart?

  2. Will definitely be trying this at some point this weekend! Thanks for the tips!!!

  3. Also love following you on twitter. Very clever. Lmao

  4. Kathy F.7:45 AM

    Love your FB page and your recipes. I don't cook much, but I think I might start LOL! Happy Father's Day to Carson :) Hope I win!!!

  5. yay, love williams sonoma! also like how the key terms for this post are "giveaway" and "meat" ha!

  6. I'm like you. I let B do all of the grilling in our household. And to be honest, I'm totally okay with that.

  7. Stephanie8:14 AM

    I love meatballs. And I love even more that you make them sound easy.

  8. Stephanie8:15 AM

    I also follow you on Twitter. So I get to enter twice. Yay!

  9. Geez...everybody is up early here today, I am the 9th comment and its only 8:30 am...count me in !!!

  10. Time to bust out the cast iron! These look great!

  11. Deuce comment for Twitter. Thanks!

  12. Ok so I usually do all of the grilling around here but it still makes for a great gift for "Dad" even if I use it the most !!! p.s. I follow you on Twitter, even tho I don't really know how to use Twitter!!

  13. Three things:

    1. I can't turn on the grill either.

    2. Grilled meatballs. Why have I never thought of this? Yum!

    3. And, of course, I'm a follower.

  14. Did you check out that cute chicken coop on the Williams Sonoma site?

  15. Still haven't figured out a good burger patty yet. My challenge is trying to get them to stay juicy without them falling apart.

  16. I can't turn on the grill at my house either. ;o)

  17. thanks for the giveaway!
    family74014 at gmail dot com

  18. I want that gift certificate to buy a mocajelte! Love stalking your blog!

  19. Oh Siri, you are a fabulous writer! I have been following your blog for quite a while. You are actually challenging me to break out of my boring old menus! The truth is you are teaching me to cook, and I am twice your age.

    Jenny's mom from Eagan

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. Yum! Love all of your recipes, now I need to get a new grill!

  22. gfc jelaws5
    when I use to grill I would burn it
    no more my hubby does it

  23. I'm following on Twitter: tunaynamahal82

  24. Always love how easy but delicious your recipes are! Following your blog on google under: Sarah Lynn

  25. I don't have a BBQ but love when my boyfriend BBQs for me at his house! We'll have to make burgers soon!

  26. And I love your tweets!

  27. Love your 3 options of what to get for dad's at WS . . .Great giveaway!

  28. Anonymous2:10 PM

    I love your Facebook page! And PS I don't know how to do the grill, either - charcoal or gas.

    Kristy F

  29. Anonymous2:14 PM

    I started following you after I saw Carson on the Rachel Ray show. He was bragging about you, so I had to check out your blog! Enjoy it!

  30. This comment has been removed by the author.

  31. Hey Siri!

    I follow your blog. AND I don't know how to turn on a grill, is that bad?


  32. AND I love your tweets!

  33. Those meatballs look delicious! I wish that I could grill!

  34. I also follow you on twitter!

  35. Turning on the grill and grilling is a blue job at our house too! Theses look delish!

  36. I have yet to win one of these these.... Happy Father's Day to your Dad!!!

  37. i don't know how to turn on a grill, either...i wonder where the grill is at?? *sigh*

  38. oh, and following you on twitter! :)!/soojin_f

  39. Tina Green7:36 PM

    I would like to win the gift card..My brother is the chef of the family..he has 3 y/o twin boys.. he deserves it :)

  40. Yay for dads! Yay for Williams Sonoma! Yay for Siri's Blog and yay for giveaways!

  41. Love your blog! I never would have thought about grilling meatballs like that.....go Carson! Has he ever grilled meatloaf? We have a great local restaurant here in the MN that has a fantastic grilled meatloaf and I want to figure out how to recreate it!

  42. I also am now following you on Twitter as @happinessdance.

  43. Forgot my 2nd comment for following you on Twitter. Craving those meatballs right now.

  44. What a great idea and the sauce looks great too!

  45. I follow you on twitter also :-)

  46. Jessen5:41 AM

    I love Williams Sonoma!! Great Giveaway! And, even though it was awhile ago you went to the Rachael Ray Show with Carson, I wanna say you are soooo Lucky! I'd love to meet her. That's how I actually found out about your blog.

  47. Your blog makes me so happy!

  48. Yum! Love your blog, keep up the good work!

  49. I have no idea how I stumbled upon your blog, but I'm glad that I did. I've only made one recipe so far, but printed out about 10. Yours is the only food blog I can relate to at the moment (who has all that friggin' time?). And I'm not just saying that to win this contest. Thanks for the great recipes.

  50. Nicole L.11:26 PM

    Would love to win! Thanks for the giveaway Siri!

  51. manda5:02 AM

    I am a follower of the blog!

    shankyouverymuch11 at yahoo dot com

  52. manda5:03 AM

    I follow you on twitter too!

    shankyouverymuch11 at yahoo dot com

  53. This comment has been removed by the author.

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