

Chocolate Mousse

Aaaaaaaaaaaand the I-only-want-to-make-sweet-rich-calorie-stocked-dessert streak continues.
Well, I DID cook dinner last night if you must know.
But, I think I only ate it so we could get to this part??  I don't know why I put a question mark at the end of that, there was no question there. 

I had never made chocolate mousse before, and while there were many steps involved, it was surprisingly easy.  I thought I would have no problem finishing off an entire glass of it, but this particular recipe at least is RICH.  WOAH.  I hate that "woah" is spelled like that.  

Perfect thing to make ahead of time if you're having a dinner party.  For yourself.     
Recipe found HERE.


  1. i want that NOW. so yum.

  2. I just came across your site and I love it! You're so funny! This mousse looks amazing.

  3. I was sent your way when I asked about food bloggers on Twitter! I love that the first post I see is about Chocolate Mousse and it looks incredibly easy!!


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