

Rich Chocolate and Toasted Marshmallow Cake with Malted Frosting

Um, hello. Can I just tell you, that there is nothing wrong with this cake? Every, single, component is almost the best thing you've ever tasted. The, moist, bursting with chocolate flavor. There is one cup of bold coffee in the batter, which only intensifies the chocolate aroma...

Then the marshmallow filling. Broiled, toasted marshmallows combined with the fluff you buy in a jar. Combine THAT with butter, powdered sugar and vanilla. You'll die...

Layered between the chocolate...

And then this frosting. Made with bittersweet chocolate and OVALTINE. What? What even is that? All I knew about ovaltine before this cake was that some contest told Ralphie to drink it. But the malted frosting paired perfectly with the toasted marshmallow.

Recipe HERE.

Mine sliced looked nothing like hers, but I don't care, because I stuck my face in it.


  1. ouigooeygoodness!!!!!!

  2. I just saw the proper spelling for my prior comment....duh....
    OOEYGOOEYGOODNESS, and yes I made it all one word on purpose!

  3. Anonymous10:00 AM

    Fan-freaking-tastic looking cake!


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