

Come again fruit candy bar???

A friend of mine sent me this via Pinterest. HELLO BEAUTIFUL. I must make this. How, how, how do you think it was done?! Leave a comment, and learn me.


  1. A small egg carton. Like the kind non-chicken eggs come in, usually seen at Asian food stores. (?)

  2. Laura B8:22 AM

    Maybe an ice cube tray? Brush the bottom with a thick layer or chocolate, then stick the strawberries in, and then cover them in more beautiful chocolate. i need them now!!

  3. haven't worked with chocolate ever but if it's thin enough to pour you could fill a candy bar mold, put the strawberries on top and then cover in more chocolate.

  4. Dawn C.4:30 PM

    So pretty! The chocolate looks like it is very true to the form of the strawberry; meaning that I don't think these were done in a mold. There would be too much chocolate around the strawberry if so. They look dipped.

    To my eye, it looks like maybe they chopped off the top of the strawberries and stuck them (naked) to a candy bar with chocolate. Then turned it upside-down and dipped THAT whole thing into a deep vat of chocolate, just up to where the berries touch the chocolate bar. That way the chocolate would drip off and be smooth.

    Or... you can try using this:

  5. I love all of these comments - you people are genius people. Thanks!

  6. I was thinking the ice cube tray too, I have a mini one let me know if you want to borrow it....

  7. maybe this will help...


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