

Roasted Corn with Manchego and Lime

Um, this was divine. I gobbled it up. I won't even mind if I find kernels you know where. Too much? Yes.

Fresh corn and juicy lime simply SCREAM summer. Creamy manchego, spicy jalapeno, that bite from the onions and a teensy bit of butter to warm everything up. Carson suggested that next time I add some crispy pancetta for textural contrast and THAT, my friends, is why I like him a lot. Recipe HERE or in this month's Bon Appetit.

roasted corn...

manchego, green onions (I didn't have chives) and jalapeno...

sauteed kernels (I threw the green onions in too)...


1 comment:

  1. Do they grow sweetcorn in California? Maybe you could plant a few stalks in the corner of your garden :) Can't wait for the MN corn to ripen. I'll make this (with added pancetta :)


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