

Flag Cake

Greetings to you. How was your 4th? We spent ours in Minnesota, and I will post some photos soon of that FOOD. I mean trip. Slip of the tongue? (No.) But first, remember that flag cake I was peeing my pants over? I decided to make it! At the very last minute, however, and I was seriously rushing (drinking a Bloody Mary) through it... but I still think it's pretty fantastic. What can be wrong with a slice of America bursting out of a cake?! Unless we're going to talk about our judicial system and... no... I won't go there.

I followed this tutorial. Next time, I will spend more time on this and make my own white cake because the box cakes tend to be overly moist and hard to work with, hence this cake falling apart on me.

layers and circles...

first layer...

I swear it's a flag...

aaaaand we're falling apart...

but it will be okay, because there's vodka behind me...

my country tis of thee...

1 comment:

  1. despite the crumbles its awesome! I gotta make one of those next year :)


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