

Broccoli Soup

This is almost a vegan creation. Minus the dab of cream, and handful of cheese. Is olive oil vegan? I obviously don't know these things because I practically eat human beings I love meat so much. Um. Should I delete that?

Broccoli Soup - so simple, so healthy (if you avoid the temptation to throw a brick of cheddar cheese in it), and a way to get my son to eat something green! (In full disclosure, he only had a few spoonfuls... but I am under the impression that even small amounts will turn him into Popeye.) I found this soup on my friend's blog... a working mom who cooks for her twin boys every night! I altered it slightly because I didn't have brown rice, I used vegetable stock instead of chicken, and I didn't want to deplete my son's milk so I used a dab of cream instead. I SAID DAB.


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