

Adam Perry Lang

I'm still trying to figure out if last Friday night actually happened. Did it? Was June 24th, 2011 a date that occurred in history? Let me explain...

It was Carson's birthday dinner. I was cooking for a lot of people, and stressing just a tad (melting, meltdowns) about it. So I asked one of his friends for some advice on the main entree, the steak. But what I wasn't expecting was for him to say, "You know, I actually have a friend in town who happens to be a Meat Maestro/Established Chef/Barbecue and Grilling Expert - can I bring him? He'll cook the steak." (Those weren't his exact words but that's what I heard in my cartwheel-twirling brain.)

His name is Adam Perry Lang, and not only does he grill like THEEE BEST of them, he is a lovely person and now a friend. Let me learn you some things that I learned from this genius chef...

First off, the above photo, that's Adam personally butchering the massive Rib Eye we were to eat that night at Lindy & Grundy's Butcher Shop in Los Angeles. Go to there.

Now, here's Adam at our house. He asked for a pepper grinder, and I was very excited to hand him the only one I own... Mr. Bigfoot MaGoo...

Now this. This has changed my life. Everything I thought I knew about herbs and basting and uses for wooden spoons has been thrown out the window. He asked me for a pot, he asked me for a spoon - seemed normal enough. But then, he took a massive bunch of herbs and tied it to the end of the spoon with kitchen twine, turning it into a basting brush. BUT I LIKE TO CALL IT A MAGICAL BROOM OF JOY. In the pot went the fat trimmings from the steak, butter and clove upon clove of garlic. He warmed the pot on the grill, and used the MAGICAL BROOM OF JOY to sop up the goodness in the pot which he smeared all over the steaks as they cooked...

If you think I stuck this herb brush up my nose all night long and the next morning, you are correct.

Ok, grilled meat, resting peacefully on some olive oil...

Next came his carving techniques. He took more herbs, chopped them up, placed them on the cutting board and the steak on top of that...

...and he carved the beautiful, beautiful meat. Don't you love this story?

Carson's dad, Pops, secretly taking notes...

I have never tasted such flavor in a steak. The herbs, the garlic, the butter, the marbling, the perfect crust, the smoke, the expert medium-rare...

Here's a gratuitous Siri Chewing Picture:

A PERFECT evening... old friends, new friends, great food, lots of drink and older kids to watch Jack. It was such an honor to meet Adam and to have my kitchen blessed by his presence! If you're ever in these areas, check out his restaurants...

London... Barbecoa (with Jamie Oliver)
New York... Daisy May's BBQ USA
Las Vegas... CarneVino (with Mario Batali)


  1. Oh my goodness. There is no way that actually happened. I don't have that date on my calendar. But I'm glad it happened to you and that you shared it. All my meat will be basted with magic brooms from now on.

  2. It's 3:30pm in the afternoon and I shouldn't be hungry. Now I'm starving. That looks and sounds absolutely amazing. Wow.

  3. That is the coolest thing. Ever! Ok I don't know whats cooler, the awesome celeb chef cooking for you and Carson's bday dinner (OMG AMAZING) or the magical broom of deliciousness. I refuse to decide which is more awesome :) I will however be making a magical broom of my own for my next round of steaks. Oh yeah!

  4. Magic broom. These should be sold at my local grocery store :)

  5. That steak looks fantastic!

  6. I just read this post to my husband while he was making dinner and he actually stopped to come and look. He was impressed to say the least. Looks amazing! He said he's stealing that herb mop idea for sure. You guys have a great 4th!


I read all of your comments, because I love comments, and I love you.