

Spinach and Cheddar Souffle

I did it!! I did it, I made a souffle. Not the triumphant success I was hoping for but also NOT the disaster I was expecting! I used THIS recipe, because one of these days Ina will read my blog and feel so flattered that I've used ALL of her recipes that she'll invite me over for a sleepover. The taste? Simply super... what goes together better than sharp cheddar, eggs and spinach? The hint of nutmeg brought it all together. The consistency? Like a little bite of a fluffy cloud, in your mouth.

It didn't rise as much as I was hoping, but it also didn't FALL or shrivel up in front of my eyes... which would have made me cry. I won't lie, people, I was intense. I nearly chipped my tooth on a cocktail. And now that I think of it, Carson and Jack stayed far away from me during the process. It was probably better that way.

a roux of flour and butter...

whisked in scalded milk, nutmeg, cayenne, salt and pepper...

egg yolks, one by one...

cheese and spinach...

fluffy egg whites... (maybe I could have fluffed them a little more?)

folded into egg yolk mixture... (maybe I over-folded?)

in the oven... waiting... staring at the timer for 30 minutes...

ta da!!! (not a super impressive rise, but no massive collapse either)



  1. I'm impressed!! I've never attempted a souffle. Now I want to! It looks really delicious Siri

  2. I've never attempted a souffle but I might now that I see how good yours looks.

  3. Oh it looks delicious, congratulations on concurring this one!

  4. Just discovered your blog! It's so fun to read. However, with the birth of my third kiddo (and my day job teaching high schoolers) all I have time for is rotisserie chicken and roasted veggies. So I'm living through some fun food blogs. Keep cooking!

  5. Yea !!!!!! Looks sooo yummy !!

  6. Brava! I want to make a dessert souffle, but I just imagine that it will end in tears and a sad saggy souffle. Pessimistic, maybe, but these are the fears that run through my head!


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