

Homemade Goldfish

I just made goldfish crackers. Tiny, adorable, cheesy, delicious, homemade goldfish crackers. Click HERE for the recipe. I used all-purpose flour and went with the higher salt content because that is who I am. I spent $12.95 (with shipping) on this tiny fish cutter because that is also who I am. Hey, beats buying expensive clothes. I think. (People who have to see me in the same t-shirt and jeans everyday might disagree).

These blow the real Goldfish out of the water - do you understand that I cannot stop thinking up puns?? But seriously. A bit puffier than the real deal, and not AS crunchy, which I actually enjoy. And they taste like FRESHLY GRATED CHEEEEEEESE! My head is going to explode.


dough, at first (I used a mixer instead of a food processor)...

dough once I got my hands on it (I also chose to chill it for 30 minutes)...

fishy's take shape...

toothpick prick for the eyes, tip of a cheese knife for the smile...

happy fish...


head bitten off...


  1. I love you for making these! Brilliant! XO

  2. oh me oh my. These I might actually want to eat!

  3. So hungry for fishies now. YUM.

  4. This is AMAZING! I am totally doing this when I have children...oh who am I kidding, probably far before I have children :)

  5. These are sooooo cute !!

  6. i read a lot of craft, cooking, and toy blogs that focus on the homemade, but i never thought i'd see homemade goldfish. nice work, missy.

  7. These are blowing my mind right now. I need to make them right away.


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