

The Summer Of... HELP!

This is what I woke up to this morning:

Backyard dolphins over a cup of coffee. Have I deserved this?! No, but I'll embrace it anyway and be grateful for each second.

Every summer, my boyfriend's family rents a house on the beach for a few weeks. They've been doing it since before I was born (I like to make him feel old). This is my third summer now, and it's impossible to imagine a better location for relaxing with family, drinking lots of these...

...and cooking. So much cooking. Last year was the Summer of Bagels. I obsessed over the idea of making them and finally did...

This year, I have declared it the Summer Of Donuts. Or doughnuts. Tomato, to-mah-to. BUT I NEED YOUR HELP! I have been researching recipes and I can't decide which to choose. Have you ever made doughnuts? Do you have any suggestions, ideas, tips?! Should I try these, or these, or these?

PLEASE HELP! I will name a donut after you.


  1. What a cute picture! I'm so impressed that you made bagels! I've never made donuts, but have always wanted to. Can't wait to see how yours turn out. Have a great vacation!


  2. Mary B.1:55 PM

    Krispy Kreme hands down. Please mail some to MN!

  3. I've never made doughnuts. I've always wanted to. But frying scares me! I think I would make either these

    or these:

    Good luck on your donut making!

  4. Your Grandma DeBoer used to make doughnuts...deep fried in her pressure cooker. I remember watching, and they tasted fantastic, but I have no idea how she made them!

  5. Well what kind do you want, raise (yeast) or cake? Personally I say the Krispy Kream knock off, but then again for research - and blogging - purposes, you really should make all 3.

  6. I mean, you are there for three weeks right? I think that answers your question. :) I say you have to try the Krispy Kreme knock off. You'll be the hit of every party if you can master that one. And then throw in those chocolate ones, just cause donut holes are the best! That's my two cents. Have a blast!!!

  7. Hi Siri, I found your e-mail and blog while cleaning out Rogers e-mails, that would be Roger the contractor and I am his wife Linda. I LOVE your blog !!! and I am now a follower(Shhh I've never done this before). The squash looked amazing and I love your additions, they will now be mine too! I don't know why I didn't think of garlic duh? As I put it in just about everything! In the donut dillemma, I vote for the Krispy Kreme too! I only made donuts once and that was when I was about 10 or 11 yrs. old. The recipe was on a bag of flour, a cake donut, they were awful,they turned out like little rocks, sooo I look forward to your progress and wish you good luck.

  8. Krispy Kreme knockoff. We used to make something similar when we were in elementary school (after school program) was my favorite snack day! SO good when they are hot and sugary or glazed!

  9. Chocolate holes or Krispy Kreme... mmmmmmmmmmm!!!!!!!!

  10. Thanks for the feedback everyone! I'm leaning towards the Krispy ones too : )

    Hi Linda!!! So glad you found the email and the blog! I LOVE your garden and I LOVE your recipes!!

  11. Can't wait to see how they turn out. Please send me one from the beach! p.s. Can I have your tan too?? xo


I read all of your comments, because I love comments, and I love you.