

I'm sorry.

This post is only a little bit about food. It's just, I haven't been cooking much because I'm ON VACATION. But I have been doing a lot of this...

Yes, eating Cheetos while wearing a bicycle helmet. Here's how it goes: I get all ready for a bike ride, I lose all motivation to go on a bike ride, I eat a lot of Cheetos, motivation to go on a bike ride returns.

And then do you know what I think about the entire time I am on a bike ride?

BEER. (Picture not taken after a bike ride. Picture circa 2005, I think.)

Stay tuned for Beer Can Chicken, Homemade Ice Cream and Cinnamon Rolls...


  1. mmm. Cheetos. I remember that night in 2005. And that jacket. And that shirt you have on under said jacket.

  2. Only Ingrid would remember all of that!

  3. Why are you so funny? You simply crack me up. And can I just go on the record to say that it's NOT FAIR that you can eat cheetos and drink beer and look so fabulous. Not. Fair.

  4. LOL mmm a black n tan sounds good right about now - that and some cheetos! hehe

  5. You are so adorable! Love your blog Siri .... keep up the great work. I have your link on my home page of my blog which also shows your latest posts. HUGS DOLL!!!


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