

Giveaway: Bacon Marmalade and Harvest Grains Blend!

Merry Christmas!! I mean, Happy Giveaway Announcement Day!!

For this Giveaway, I am going to part with two of my most favorite recently discovered products...

Bacon Marmalade (only 1 jar, don't be greedy)

...and Harvest Grains Blend

Click on the links above for more info on each. I love these items with a passion. AND YOU WILL TOO! If you win, that is. All you have to do is leave a comment below!! Also...

The Giveaway rules:

1. You must be an official follower of this blog to win (please click the "follow" icon in right margin).
2. Only open to residents of the U.S. and Canada.
3. Winner will be chosen at random on Friday, September 3rd, at 5pm PT.

Good luck!


  1. Yum! those both look great! but what do you use the harvest blend for?....

  2. YES!! I've been craving the bacon marmalade ever since you teased us with it in your post. the harvest grains look good too!! Are they for an oatmeal like dish or what? Who cares I'll figure it out if I win :)

    Oh yeah I'm a follower :)

  3. Can I have both? Thanks!

  4. Love myself some bacon marmalade!!

  5. Bacon goes good with everything right? One of the new MN State Fair items is country fried bacon with a side of gravy!

  6. Mmmmm.....bacon ;-)

  7. Woo hoo! I'm in and I already follow you and your lovely blog! Thanks for hosting a great giveaway.

  8. Mary B.11:42 AM

    Enter me por favor!

  9. Anonymous12:19 PM

    Bacon! I love me some Bacon!

  10. That bacon marmalade is quite intriguing!

  11. Bacon Marmalade? Yes Please!

  12. Harvest blend...check. Bacon marmalade....hhmm.....

  13. I siriously want to win this giveaway!

  14. I LOVE That Harvest Grains!

    And I love bacon anything.


  15. what's with bacon being in everything these days?? oh yeah, cuz it's BACON, MMM! :)

  16. I've asked Jennifer (Sly) Glaim to put some Harvest Grains Blend in her suitcase when she comes to visit this month. We don't have a Trader Joe's here and I've been wanting to try it since you posted about it!

  17. After your post about Harvest Grains blend a while back, I went right out and got myself some! I love it, and it is such a nice alternative to normal couscous, rice or pasta! Thanks for having another great giveaway!

  18. Dying to try the marmalade!! Immediately went out and bought the Harvest Grains when you first mentioned.. so good!

  19. I mean....I could just subway down to Trader Joe's...but everything tastes so much better when its free :-) And bacon marmalade??? HECK YOU SAY!!! ENTER ME IN BOTH, PWEASE!!!! :-) I mean, I'm totally signed up to follow your blog. Welcome the newbie :-)


I read all of your comments, because I love comments, and I love you.