

Heirloom Tomatoes and Burrata

Have you ever had Burrata cheese? If you haven't, let me ask you some questions to determine whether you'll like it or not...

Do you like cheese?
Do you like magnificent cheese?
Do you enjoy sensational moments in life?

If you answered yes, then you'll like Burrata. If you answered no, then something is wrong and you should kindly leave this blog immediately (just kidding, no I'm not, just kidding).

We were at an Italian market yesterday and couldn't pass up the chance to purchase Burrata. Spread on Heirloom Tomatoes, drizzled with a little Basil Olive Oil (gift from my dad) and Balsamic Vinegar and sprinkled with sea salt and black pepper. Party. In. My. Mouth.


  1. I'm obsessed with burrata!!! Had it for the first time a couple of months ago....and I honestly find myself dreaming about it sometimes! I've never had with anything other than crackers or bread....definitely have to try it with some tomatoes

  2. I can not say I have had this cheese?! Not sure? Will now seek it out. These are beautiful looking and YUM! Summer perfection!

  3. This is one cheese I've never even heard of and now I've made it my personal mission to find it immediately!

  4. Heirloom tomatoes are making their much awaited appearance at your local farmers market... this recipe looks fantastic and will definitely go on our "must try" list.

    I recently posted an Heirloom Tomato Salad with Blue Cheese that you might like as well...!


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