

Chocolate Chip Biscoff Blondies

My blogging friends, I think I'm going to disappear for awhile!  But I will check in with you over the next few weeks.  The best news??  (I mean other than having a baby...)  I have INCREDIBLE guest posts lined up for you from my favorite bloggers starting this Monday!  Seriously, you won't even miss me.  You'll be like, Siri who?  Oh right, that robot on my phone who kinda sucks.

But, before I go, while I experienced mild contractions yesterday afternoon, my son and I baked.  Because that's what you do when you're in labor, right?  I guess I'll bring these bars to the nurses.  Because that's what you do if you want to score extra jello cups and giant glasses of juice, right?      

I've had this Biscoff spread for awhile now, and I haven't really known what to do with it other than eat it by the spoonful.  So when I found this recipe, I jumped.  No really, I've been jumping up and down a lot trying to drop out a baby.  (Sorry)  I knew I had to make them immediately.  I didn't have cherries, but I had chocolate chips, and OH MY.  These are delicious.  

Until we meet again!!!  (I'm talking to you, not the Blondies...)


  1. I've never heard of Biscoff...but now I want to be its BFF.

    Best of luck! And an early congrats!

  2. Good luck! Looking forward to hearing from you again soon!

  3. Oops! RI equals Rose in previous comment.

  4. sarah7:41 AM

    that looks yummy. Is biscoff like nutella? will have to try that. good luck with baby #2

  5. Hope all goes smoothly, Siri!

    Best of Luck!

    Love to the whole family.

    - Frank and Marilyn

  6. Thinking of you and sending best wishes, thanks for another great recipe...p.s. the nurses will love you!!!

  7. Stephanie9:50 AM

    Congratulations on the new arrival! It amazes me that you took time to bake before you actually went to the hospital.

  8. I've never heard of biscoff but now I want an immediate introduction!

    Best of luck with the newest bundle to your family!

  9. Anonymous1:47 PM

    Seriously! My teenager is OBSESSED with the Biscoff cookies that they give out on the airplane. Every time I fly, I have to try to stash (and not smash!) as many of those as possible. He's going to flip when I show him the spread! :)

    Yay for labor! Can't wait to hear that you've welcomed your new son or daughter. (and get back to making goodies stat).

    1. Anonymous8:36 PM

      Trader Joe's makes a Biscoff cookie clone called "Bistro Cookies" -- a package is about 1 pound and is around $4

  10. congrats on etta!
    best to you and your family of 4!

  11. Congratulations on the birth of your daughter! So the salad sorta worked? :) Thanks for sharing this recipe...I am now in serious need of some Biscoff!!!

  12. Anonymous11:45 PM

    Congratulations to Siri, Carson, Jackson and welcome Etta.


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