

Simple Turkey Sliders

I think I've made it clear that I haven't been in the mood to cook dinner lately.  I'll whip up a batch of cookies, no problem, but real food?  Healthy, balanced dinners?  No.  You do it for me.  

Alas, you can't do it for me, and last night Carson had to work late so I found myself slowly moving around the kitchen, trying to figure out something for the three (and a half) of us to eat.  My son suggested mini cheeseburgers, and that sounded like something I could handle.  Here's a really simple and healthy way to do that, any night of the year:

Mix some ground turkey with a little worscestershire sauce, garlic and onion powder and salt and pepper.  Form them into very mini patties (maybe 2 T worth of meat).  Heat some olive oil in a skillet.  Brown them for 4-5 minutes per side.  Add cheese (we like 2% American), let it melt.  Take whole wheat bread and cut to match size of patties.  I like to top ours with ketchup, a little mayo, a sliced pickle and some sautéed white onions.  

Simple, healthy, and Carson and I each ate 5.  What.  


  1. That's why they call them sliders....before you know it 5 slid by !


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