

Lemon Cake

I am the only idiot who decides to bake in this heat.  I should be lounging around with cucumbers over my eyeballs and cold washcloths wrapped around my ankles but instead, I'm baking.  I want brownies and cookies and cakes and I will want them for the next 19 plus or minus days.  And I will continue to bake like an idiot, because there's nothing that a cold shower can't cure.  Am I right, guys?  

I saw this recipe and whenever something is doted "the best ever" you kind of have to try it out, don't you?  This lives up to its name - perfectly moist cake with that sticky, lemony syrup coating every last bite.  The perfect pairing with coffee, if only it were cool enough to drink it hot.    


  1. I'll be making this soon... My Meyer lemon tree is loaded with green lemons !!!

  2. Just looking at these damn photos made all of my chins quiver with excitement.

    I'm going to have to make this soon.


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