

Eggless Cookie Dough

When your son wakes up at 5:45am and is contently watching Little Bill on the couch, you should use that time to whip up some cookie dough.  I found this eggless recipe, perfect for adding to vanilla bean ice cream, which I plan on making later.  Or, you could make these adorable truffle pops!  I plan on doing that too.  I plan lots of things around cookie dough.  

p.s. Avoid looking in the mirror at 5:45am when you're 9 months pregnant and you've been sleeping without air conditioning.  You look like one giant ball of face.  I used to have a neck, I think.    


  1. Ummm Siri... this recipe is the answer to my egg-free cookie dough prayers! Within 5 min of reading your post, I bought Lindsay Landis's Cookie Dough Lover's Book on Amazon! Total impulse buy but its too good to be true! :) Megan

  2. Hey Siri, I just started following your blog and I think it's great. I think we are going to make this recipe this weekend and mix in some vanilla yogurt. I saw a recipe for that somewhere, Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Frozen Yogurt. This is the perfect recipe to use for that. The Food Network is saying it's Cook with your Kids weekend, so I'll add this to the kid's list. Good luck with the new baby!

  3. Siri! You've made the big times! You're on Perez Hilton LOL!

  4. Oh sniff sniff. I miss Little Bill so much. Kids growing up sucks. Just sayin.


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