

Peach and Pecan Ice Cream

For the final day of Peach Week, I'm over at The Post Social with a delightful new ice cream recipe.  If you are a fan of sweet and savory, you will love, and if you are a fan of wonderful blogs, you must go to TPS and stay awhile.  They "postmark" great blogs from across the web, as well as create original content - everything from food, fashion, beauty, even something for the kiddos and the dudes.  

Hope you enjoyed Peach Week!  And Zucchini Week!  Next week is just going to be a week, ok.  Just a regular old week.  I hope you're ok with that friends.      


  1. Thanks for a Great two weeks, Siri!

    Wonderful recipes, mouth watering pictures, and your sense of humor enhances each post.

    Somehow, without actually preparing ANY of your recipes... ...I managed to gain a few pounds and I think my face is breaking out. I'm amazed!

    By the way: My Bride and I are still waiting for you to be featured on Last Call with what's his name. :-)

    Thanks again and Have a Great Weekend.

    - Frank

  2. So, I was thinking about you today and wondering what you have been up to. And this came across my newsfeed and I got real excited! Looks delicious and I'm so happy you're on TPS!

  3. So, I was thinking about you today and wondering what you have been up to. And this came across my newsfeed and I got real excited! Looks delicious and I'm so happy you're on TPS!


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