

Cheesy Turkey Toast

I'm on vacation.  But does that mean I'm not making dangerous foods and eating them all up, guilt-free?  No sireeee, it actually means the opposite.  I even bought myself 22-grams-of-fat-in-each Haagen Dazs Bars the other day.  Yup, I'm taking this pregnancy out with a BANG! 

Lately I've been really enjoying the above for lunch - wheat sourdough bread, salted butter, turkey, sharp cheddar cheese - placed under the broiler until crispy and bubbly.  Super easy lunch.  You can make and eat it in a matter of minutes... if you're 35 weeks pregnant and you eat faster than those Olympic dudes run.  

1 comment:

  1. Looks delish but ummmm...could it possibly be made better with bacon?


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