

Momofuku Milk Bar Birthday Layer Cake

It was Carson's birthday last week, and if you've been reading this blog for awhile you know I get pretty obsessive about birthday cakes.  I find it the perfect time to challenge myself to the point of mental breakdown.  It always begins and ends as an enjoyable experience but somewhere in the middle my character flaws emerge.  You know - crying, cursing, cradling myself into a fetal position on the kitchen floor.  This time was no exception.  But, this was also no "piece of cake" to pull off HEY THERE PUN!  Lots of steps and layers and required equipment.  However, once you order things from Amazon like cake collars and liquid glucose and citric acid, you're ready to go!  And if you remain calm, eat a lot of the crumbles as you go, MAKE EXTRA FROSTING (I ran out), you too can pull this off.  And it's worth it.  
Everyone is doing it so the recipe isn't hard to find (like here, here or here).  

pre-baked cake...

cake and crumbles...

more crumbles... ohmygod they are good... 

layering with cake ring and cake collars...

a big old mess...

ready for freezer...

happy birthday carson : )


  1. YAY !!! Great Job Siri, the cake looks fabulous!! Aren't those birthday cake crumbs to die for?!! I'm so glad that you are doing recipes from this incredible book. I will be tackling the pistachio layer cake next month for my boyfriends birthday. I've already begun my pre-ordering from for those special / weird ingredients. So much fun ;)

  2. YAY !!! Great Job Siri, the cake looks fabulous!! Aren't those birthday cake crumbs to die for?!! I'm so glad that you are doing recipes from this incredible book. I will be tackling the pistachio layer cake next month for my boyfriends birthday. I've already begun my pre-ordering from for those special / weird ingredients. So much fun ;)

  3. Wow - looks great - I am going to tackle it for my hubby's 40th!!

  4. Your cake looks beautiful! Did you love it though? That's my question. And wasn't the process of piling it all together kinda fun?

  5. Wow!! It made it even more impressive when I first read "cake collars" as "cake dollars." I was intrigued and confused as to what cake dollars might be?!?! Yeah, collars make sense even though I have no clue what those are either. Clearly just on the beginning end of my baking glory :)

  6. Carson is one lucky guy! I might tackle a cake one of these days, but for now, I'll leave it up to you and bakeries you recommend. LOL

  7. This is amazing.... Happy Birthday Carson ...late sorry !!!

  8. This looks amazing!! I have a quick question about cutting it... Did you put it in the freezer for a bit to let it harden? I'm looking forward to trying it :)

  9. Mrs. Moffett - yes, I think I did!


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