

Manchego Cheese and Lime Butter

How were your long weekends?  Did you relax, sleep in, go outside, eat a burger or many?  I did most of those things (sleeping in is for teenagers and people without children).  Now that we've officially "kicked off summer" and can wear white pants again, I've been in outdoor grilling mode.  All I want to do is put my oven on hiatus (with the exception of baking projects) and BBQ.  We've been grilling a lot of corn (because it's the only vegetable my son will eat) and here's a fun way to dress it up...

     Take some softened butter and put 4 tablespoons in a small dish.  Grate a couple tablespoons of  Manchego cheese (or any salty cheese will do) into the dish.  Add the zest and juice of half a lime.  Stir it all together (and add a little salt if your butter is unsalted).  Spread on hot corn.     


  1. Dear Siri,

    I just spent a good chunk of my day reading your blog. Between pretending to work and actually working I made it all the way to August. You have inspired me to actually start cooking again :) Let's see how long that lasts. ( me ACTUALLY cooking, not the inspiration bit)

    My three year old and boyfriend shall thank you.

  2. This looks so good. Now I want corn at 7:22 am.

  3. Anonymous8:28 AM

    Manchego cheese...this is the second time today I've seen this in a recipe, yet I've never heard of it before. Perhaps because I live clear out in BFE, but I will choose to take the sync as a universal sign to move away from BFE. The closest whole foods store is 194 miles, and I'm not even Amish! I enjoy your blog, especially the ingredients.

  4. MMmmmMmMmmM that photo is making my mouth water. It's hard to go wrong with butter and corn.

  5. Siri I love this idea! I am obsessed with Mexican-style corn on the cob but I never know exactly how to make all those things stick to the corn. This is a great idea! Love!


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