

Bittersweet Chocolate Fudge with Sea Salt

Since I've been pregnant, I haven't really wanted to make anything in the kitchen if it doesn't involve chocolate and butter.  Sugar and cream are bonuses too.  In other words, I'm disgusting.  

Oh, hi Family, you want some dinner tonight, do you?  Here's an Ice Cream Sundae.  What.

Luckily, I have some friends who are also pregnant and due within days of me.  I am not alone.  Like my friend Megan who has been craving her mama's fudge and thankfully wrote about it on her blog.  Check out that recipe - FIVE INGREDIENTS.  A monkey could make it.  And that monkey would be the most popular monkey in all of the jungle because the other monkeys would be like, ooo ooo aah aah eee eee fudge fudge!  They would.  I'm telling you, the sea salt turns this lusciously rich, fluffy chocolate into something magical.        

Mini marshmallows, sweetened condensed milk and butter - melting...

Stir in chocolate...

I have no nail polish to show off today because I'm too busy eating fudge...


  1. It doesn't get much more perfect than this. The fudge sounds scrumptious. I'm new to your blog but I'll be back. I love the food and recipes you share with your readers and a I really enjoyed the time I spent browsing here. I hope you have a great day. Blessings...Mary

  2. Yum! My mom has a killer fudge recipe that she uses to make chocolate covered strawberries. They are just so unbelievably good!

    Are you finding out/sharing what the baby is (boy or girl)? Just being nosy!

  3. Thanks for the shout-out Siri! Glad you enjoy Mama Riley's fudge recipe as much as I do. :) Meg

  4. H - we know, but trying to keep it secret for as long as we can : )

  5. i could stop at the first 3 ingredients and STILL be happy.

  6. Anonymous4:59 AM

    Just wondering about the amount of chocolate - 12 oz??? Also, it looks like you used two different kinds of chocolate - broken bar and chips?

  7. Anon- yes, 12 oz. of chocolate. I just happened to have an open bag of bittersweet chocolate chips as well as a bar, so I used both : )

  8. Anonymous11:01 AM

    So are you posting the recipe???? Or is there a link b/c my mouth is watering!!!! please!

  9. There is a link - check post again (hint: HER BLOG)


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